3 Easy Tips to help Decrease your stress during the holidays.

I love the holidays, however, it can be very stressful. Between kids getting sick to all the extra expenses that comes with shopping for everyone. Over the past few years, I’ve been discovering new ways to save money and decrease my holiday season stress.

Look for deals during the year. 

I have a bin in the basement of our home, and I use to keep items that I buy during the year. I honestly buy anything and everything that is a “great deal.” These things come in handy for kids’ birthday parties, teachers’ appreciation and the holidays. It amazing how much money and time I save doing this.

Have the kids make Christmas cards during the year and save it.

Nothing worse than trying to get your kids to make Christmas cards for teachers or family members during the holiday when they are not feeling up to it. I try to schedule arts and craft time during the year where we make cards as a family and keep it for when we need it. This is perfect for birthday parties and Christmas. Plus, what’s better than a homemade Christmas card.  It will save you money and time.

Buy Christmas gifts after Christmas.

You know those people who buy their Christmas decoration the day after Christmas, well I’m one of them. I buy Christmas decoration and Christmas gifts the day after Christmas and save if for the next Christmas.  Trust me, it’s the same thing being made and sold again. So why not buy if for over half the price.

Let me know in the comments if you find these tips helpful. Also, please share some of your tips to help decrease holiday stress.


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